Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2012

Whats on my workdesk today

Started on monday with collage again and had a lot of fun with it. Here a few snippets of the developement incl. a few result...

Don't miss to go to Stamping ground for more workdesks!

Have a nice and safe day!


Mondays collage "Kein Herbst ohne Bambi"

 Yesterdays collage

Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

suddenly winter

After GREY days, we had -5° C degrees on saturday morning! How crazy is that? One week earlier it was +20°C and I spent a day in shirt at the beach and than... you can't be quick enough to get all your thick pullover out.

But with cold and sunshine it was a phantastic weekend (now it started raining again).

Wish you all a wonderful week!

Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2012

What's on your workdesk?

Hi everybody,

this time I decorated a bird feeder - and I apologize for the bad pics, but since monday our weather is grey, grey and grey with dull lights and 100 % humidity, so where're are sitting right in the middle of a clowd. As we're heading into winter its time to prepare for the bird feeding season. I think they don't mind how it looks like, birds are more interested in inner values. But it was fun to make, beside the black marker which supposed to be waterproof and wasn't but smeared a lot instead. Gggggrrrr.

Have a nice creative day and don't miss to go to Stamping Ground for further desks.


Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012


another perfect day...

First I went to a very crowded hello handmade and than to Stadtpark Hamburg enjoying coffee and cake in the sun

 ... than picking up my son at the airport ...

a day full of exitement fun and sun - WONDERFUL (and makes it much easier to cope the grey weather right now).

Wish you all a wonderful week!

Samstag, 20. Oktober 2012

Drawing Challenge: LEAVES - Blätter

Hallo ihr Lieben,

zum Thema Blätter fallen mir spontan 2 meiner Lieblingsbücher ein, die ich euch heute gern vorstellen würde. Flora ist ein ganz fantastisches Buch mit historischen botanischen Zeichnungen und Botanik für Künstler, ein ganz sagenhaftes Buch, wenn man selbst botanische Zeichnungen anlegen möchte und ein bisschen Anregung und Hilfe braucht oder auch nur um es immer wieder anzuschauen. Kann ich beide nur allerwärmsten empfehlen!

Hello everyone,

for the theme "leaves" I incidently think of 2 of my favorite books that I would like to introduce you today. Flora is the most fantastic book with historical botanical drawings and Botanik für Künstler, a very fabulous book if you even want to create botanical drawings and needs a bit of inspiration and help, or just to look at it again and again. I can only highly recommend both of them!

Aber mich fasziniert nicht nur der romantische Blick auf die Natur, sondern auch das "Unsichtbare", dass was wir mit dem bloßem Auge nicht wahrnehmen können, das Rastermikroskop aber schon!

But I'm not only fascinated by the romantic view of nature, but also the "invisible" that what we perceive with the naked eye, but the microscope scanning can!

links Rosenblätter - rechts die Sporen der Pilze, die die rostbraunen Flecken bilden 
left Rose petals  - right, the spores of the fungi that form the rust-brown stains

links Pelargonienblatt - rechts das grinsende Monster (gefällt mir besonders gut!) ist ein Höcker auf dem Blatt

left geranium leaf - right the grinning monster (! I really like this) is a hump on the leave
Für viele weitere Anregungen und Umsetzungen des Thema Blätter geht bitte zu Miss Herzfrisch.

Ich wünsche Euch allen ein tolles Wochenende!

For many more suggestions and reactions of the theme LEAVES please go to Miss Herzfrisch

I wish you all a great weekend!

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